Misnomer: The X-Girl Picayune

The life (or is it the lack thereof?) stories of a twenty-6-year-old grad student
Sunday, July 09, 2006


Sometimes, something has to die in order for something else to live.

And this blog has been a nice depository place for more than three years now. It has become somehow a part of me...and to see how much I've grown throughout the years--well maybe not that much. But really, it's just time to move on.

So with this, we bid you all good bye. Not that kind of good bye or that. This time it's a bit more permanent.

Man, I am such a drama queen.

But anyhow, thanks for everything.

Ave atque vale

[Courtesy of Miss Didi. Permisi ya, Bu!]
Kali-kali aja elu liat ini, Ky, mudah2an sih enggak...notesfromthedungeon[dot]blogspot[dot]com.

Simply unacceptable. I demand an explanation.

- T
# posted by Anonymous : 7/08/2006 1:43 AM

I thought you could see through it.

I miss this good ol' Misnomer already.
# posted by Xinda : 7/08/2006 2:01 AM

you'll be back, i can guarantee on that. let me know your new link.
# posted by chrysalic : 7/08/2006 3:50 AM

Oh, Mother.
# posted by Xinda : 7/08/2006 8:47 AM
Yeee, gitu dia. Beraninya kabur pas gua lagi mudik. Huh!
Oh, udah balik toh. :p
Hahahaha...selamat ye!
Makasih. Mamam-mamam?
Sudah layak dan sepantasnya, bukan? Desember?
Sungguh layak dan pantas. Yuk!
Tapi Saudari mengalihkan pembicaraan.
Mengalihkan gimana? Perhatiin baik-baik dong, Pak. Nggak mungkin Anda dilupakan. :p
Jadi kabur nih, tetep?
Apalah artinya sebuah blog. Kita pake telepati ajah, okai.
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